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Anonymous Human Trafficking Survivors’ Online Support Group
(AHTSOSG) known as ‘The Group’

This group runs every other Thursday at 8:15pm ET 

You've felt the burden of proof and oppressive systemic expectations to conform to others standards of who you “should” be as a Human Trafficking Victim. Sometimes these secondary revictimizations come from several places- maybe from family, friends, religion, services, work, school, media, or society. You’re ready to embark on this next portion of your healing journey: identifying self-defeating patterns, voicing them during the sharing portion (or not), practicing self-forgiveness and new coping techniques in a welcoming judgement-free zone. You are so ‘over’ with feeling undercounted and misunderstood, while other parts of you have concerns about being ‘outed’ as a Human Trafficking victim. Together, let's create a new chapter in your healing story. This chapter is titled: I am Enough! The content from this new chapter in your life includes not needing anyone's approval, being flexible to change, and being ok with not being ok. All the while being cared about (not cared for) by inclusionist group members that feel the same and want to walk with you along your healing journey. This non-clinical and strictly anonymous survivors’ group offers a safe space for privately self-identifying Human Trafficking & Exploitation Victims, Survivors, Experts with lived-experience, as well as the ever-important undercounted and unidentified exploited persons to come together and heal as a collective. The reason we remain anonymous in this group is because traffickers are dangerous and safety is paramount. The group focuses on building self-confidence, implementing boundaries which creates a non-toxic space clear of people, places and things that stunt our spiritual and emotional growth. The group explores living consciously (with and on purpose), cultivating self-acceptance and spiritual closeness with a Higher Power as we understand that. Think about how you will INSPIRE yourself though meaningful connections. You are enough and we look forward to hearing from you!


Group Topics - Current Suggestions

  1. HT Survivor’s Declaration of Lived-Experience

  2. Human Trafficking (HT) Survivor’s Rights

  3. HT Typologies

  4. Intersections & Vulnerabilities

  5. Trafficker Tactics

  6. Digital Violence

  7. Ressources

  8. Member’s topic suggestion are welcomed!

What to Expect in the Group

During the sharing portion of the meeting, members can:

  • Listen or participate in a reading during the opening portion of the meeting,

  • Vent what is troubling them, 

  • Perhaps request to receive group consciousness after the meeting (by a trusted member),

  • Voice  solutions and flexibly commit to baby-steps,

  • Release, and;

  • Move onwards and upwards!

Closed Discussion Group Format, Anonymity Screening prior to admittance, Self-referrals accepted!


To contact the group’s chairperson, please email: 

About the Moderator: ​


This grateful gender non-conformist is a survivor of IPV, GBV, SA, childhood traumas, addictions, Religious Abuse (RA) & the three (3) typologies of Familial & OCV Human Trafficking (HT) & Exploitation (E): Sex, Labour, and Organ Trafficking. They/she have professional experience and studied in Community Services and has almost 2 decades of experience as a 12-step sponsor. 

They have dedicated their life to prevent and end abuses and exploitations in all forms by becoming an International Keynote Speaker. She has sat on several HT Boards and a Survivors’ Advisory Committee. As a Public Educator, Webinar creator/ presenter, and HT Support Group Facilitator, they proudly advocate for HT policies, programs and legislation ingenuity to ease the healing process for the next generation of survivors by assisting in the development of safer short-term, intermittent, or permanent HT exiting solutions and recovery. They emphasize the importance of allowing each survivor to lead their own safety solution plan, adjust the plan when there is a change in circumstance, and offer retaliation prevention counter-tactics. They are supported, valued and taken seriously as the experts of their own lived-experience and very grateful to those that have assisted her break free from her traffickers,  each in their own  special  way. Their goal of running this support group is to bring passion into fruition by assisting others to bloom into the ever-evolving best version of themselves!

All are encouraged to contact the group’s chairperson by email at: 

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